Why Isn’t My Roofer Working?

Conflicting Schedules

Some smaller contractors will work the morning at one roofing job and the afternoon at another because they are afraid of losing a sale by setting realistic dates. Other people advertising roof repair have a “day” job and just do roofs when they have spare time.

Before you sign anything, find out how much time a roofer will commit to your project each day.

We provide you a crew to stick with the job from beginning to end. There are, however, a number of reasons you won’t hear tools on your roof night and day until the job is done.

If you feel your roofers aren’t working enough please finish reading this page. If you still feel like there is a problem then please call the office.

Roofing Materials have to be On Site

Our material estimators and schedulers are amazing. The estimators calculate what materials are required and the schedulers work with suppliers to get the right items to the right place at the right time. Your roofing materials should be delivered a day or two before the crew comes to work on your roof. Obviously, we won’t get far without the right products, so we’ll have a great plan for your build.

Unfortunately, unscheduled things just happen. A supplier’s delivery truck could break down, a vendor could load the list incorrectly, a factory could go on strike, a bridge could be stuck open, and some days traffic just randomly grinds to a halt. It doesn’t happen often, but we might just somehow drop the ball ourselves.

The thing to know is that with our decades of experience we have seen most of it before. We’ll be honest, handle it, and get your project back on track as soon as possible. Call the office if you have questions, but we could just call you first.

Roofing Crews Must Work Within the Law

State and Federal laws provide regular breaks and a lunch for workers; this is common knowledge.

Less commonly known is that many local jurisdictions have laws about noise or construction work during certain hours and days. The specifics vary significantly between regions.

  • What time do roofers start? Allowed times usually range between 7 am and 9 am
  • How late can roofers work? Enforced stop times typically span 5 pm to 10 pm
  • Do roofers work on the weekend? Many municipalities restrict work on one or both days of the weekend, so we usually just work if there is an emergency
  • Which holidays are locally protected from construction noise? The following are most common, but others can occur:
    • New Year’s Day
    • MLK Day
    • President’s Day
    • Memorial Day
    • July 4th
    • Labor Day
    • Veteran’s Day
    • Thanksgiving Day
    • Day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday)
    • Christmas Day

You want to be a good neighbor. Additionally, fines can be thousands of dollars and nobody needs that. We obey the law. Following the rules is simply the right thing to do.


Safety Always – For Our Crew and Your Roofing Project

Roofing contractors need to stop when they loose daylight, which is more common in the fall and winter. This protects roofers from injury and also avoids potential errors when they can’t see your work well enough to be absolutely accurate.

A rooftop is dangerous in any weather, but ice is a showstopper. If there is ice, your project will be put on hold until it thaws. There are safety regulations and plain common sense. Aside from that, some materials would be damaged during installation at the wrong temperatures. We optimize your installation to be certain your roof lasts as long as possible

On the other end of the spectrum, when it is over 75 degrees on the roof then roofers are required by OSHA to drink plenty of fluids and rest in the shade when they are overheated; this means more breaks than usual. In the heat of summer it is common for roofers to stop around 1pm

If the workers on your roof and the roofers across the street are working differently, here are some considerations:

  • The temperature on the roof is at least 15 degrees hotter than on your lawn; if you are using materials in a dark color then it could feel like it is 20 or 30 degrees hotter.
  • A roof facing the sun will be hotter than a roof facing away.
  • Even a little shade from clouds, trees, or other structures reduces the temperature.

The composition of your roofing materials is usually temperature-sensitive to some degree. Quality roofing starts with precision work.

Roofers are tough. They stop working when it gets too hot, cold, or dark because your roof is suffering, not because they are.

The Bottom Line

We want to be working!

Your contract, and the technician’s compensation, is based on roofing a specific area rather than hours scheduled. We don’t get paid until the job is done.

We want you to feel like your completed roof is the best it can be. That only happens once it’s done.

When your timeline starts slipping, so do the projects after yours. It is to everyone’s advantage to stay on schedule. 

If you feel like your roofing technicians are not working to a reasonable capacity, or there is any other problem, please contact the office directly. We’ll investigate and get back to you with an update as soon as possible.

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